Career Ambassadors

Meet our Career Connection Ambassadors!

Below you will see our student leaders who serve as a professional extension of Career Connection. These students regularly share insights and suggestions with Career Connection so that we can better meet student needs, they spread the word about upcoming programs, and serve as leaders at our initiatives and events.

They conduct OWU Strength Conversations on Campus, and can offer great insights and support!

Click the button to reach out to our Career Ambassadors, or contact them individually below! They are happy to address any questions about Career Connection and how to get help with your own career journey!

Hannah Cox '24

Career Connection Intern

Hannah Cox is a senior at Ohio Wesleyan, studying Environmental Science with a minor in Zoology. She is a Career Connection Intern in addition to being the Career Ambassador Leader and a Peer Career Coach. When she is not working with the OWU Career Community, she plays defense for the women’s lacrosse team and is a member of Tree House (SLU) and the Environmental Science & Sustainability Department Board. She is passionate about environmental and wildlife conservation and is excited about her career path after graduating.
