
Career Fairs and Events

Career Connection offers two robust career-fairs each year, along with a wealth of events & programs related to networking, professional development, personal branding, interviewing, and more. These events include Career Community initiatives, Bishop Launch Program, Real Life 101, partnership events, and other career programs. See below and use the filters to discover the best matches for you!

Please see details about our Career Fairs below, as well as our listing of upcoming events! Our list of 2025 Employers will be shared in late January.

February 27, 2025

REGISTER HERE! (Student Registration Opens 1/15/2025)

The annual OWU Career & Summer Internship Fair is geared for students seeking summer internship, part-time jobs, as well as full-time jobs post graduation! We typically have 65-75 employers in attendance. This program is now part of the larger OWU Connection Conference!

Career Connection is here to support you before, during & after the event:

BEFORE: Come for drop-ins and ALL DAY Resume Reviews the two days leading up to the fair, or make an appointment via Handshake.
**Employers STRONGLY ENCOURAGE students to bring a well-drafted, printed resume.

DURING: Career Ambassadors, Interns, and members of the team will be available at the check-in table as well as floating throughout the room.

AFTER: Need career support, help connecting with an employer, interview assistance, etc.? We’re here to help you every step of the way! Set up an appointment via Handshake or email 

September, 2025 (Date TBD)

The annual OWU Career & Grad School Fair is the largest career fair event, and includes both Employers as well as Grad/Professional School! We typically have 70-90+ employers/programs in attendance.

Career Connection is here to support you before, during & after the event:

BEFORE: Come for drop-ins and ALL DAY Resume Reviews the two days leading up to the fair, or make an appointment via Handshake.
**Employers STRONGLY ENCOURAGE students to bring a well-drafted, printed resume.

DURING: Career Ambassadors, Interns, and members of the team will be available at the check-in table as well as floating throughout the room.

AFTER: Need career support, help connecting with an employer, interview assistance, etc.? We’re here to help you every step of the way! Set up an appointment via Handshake or email 

Use the filters below to find the events most relevant to you! Registration links will direct you to Handshake.

Events - Humanities and The Arts

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